Sunday, September 20, 2009


From Farley Mowatt to Ernest Hemingway, from ‘Grizzly Man’ to ‘Into the Wild’, stories about human survival in the harshest natural surroundings have captured our imagination.
Human versus Nature. Our ability to learn and master the law of the jungle, to survive and thrive against all odds is perhaps our most simple and captivating story.
But what about the city? What about now, here, in North America, in Canada, in the hedge behind the barbeque?
Urban centres have their own natural laws, their own habitats, and their own hurdles to human survival. Most of us negotiate these obstacles, armed with stationary sets, resumes, shopping bags and bankcards.
But there are people who still try to live by the old rules, real survivors living off the land within city limits. These are the real Urban Sportsmen.
The Urban Sportsman follows a group of modern adventurers, who live off the land in the heart of major metropolitan cities. These brave men and women work day-in and day-out to carve out a niche for themselves in our own downtown alleys, seaside parks, industrial landscapes and suburban backyards.
This blog follows the struggle of the Urban Sportsmen to live wild, free and self-sufficient - right under our noses. Each week these spirited and visionary individuals take us on a safari into the wilds of our own backyards.
The Urban Sportsman blog will open your mind, erase your preconceptions and might just make you think seriously about installing security cameras on your doghouse.
Next post....DIRK the BOWHUNTER....

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